A minimal implementation using YAML

While wheel currently uses a workflow made out of python and shell scripts, to give you a better idea about this procedural approach I will use a YAML to create an LP format. This is taken from the index project, which uses a YAML based DOM.

This YAML file is how you will write the source code and documentation in a single place.


  - file: "hello.py"
    snippet_refs: ["2"]
    post: |
      import os
      os.system("safe-rm hello.py")
  - file: "test.py"
    snippet_refs: ["1"]

    doc: |
    text: |
    text: |
      @[ _["addition"]["text"] @]
      @[ _["1"]["text"] @]
      file: utils.yaml

That’s the file you will edit in your editor and you will have a browser window to read the generated html file. A single yaml file can act as a source of truth for the entire project. With LP reading is done in the browser and editing is done in the editor.

As you can see in this procedural approach to LP, you use text substitution to merge code snippets inside documentation.


    text: |
      def addition(x, y):
        return x + y

This script will go through the YAML and create markdown files together with code.

import yaml
import re
import sys
import os
import markdown
import utils
import jinja2
import os
from jinja2 import Environment, BaseLoader

Template = Environment(loader=BaseLoader, block_start_string="@%", block_end_string="@%",variable_start_string="@[", variable_end_string="@]")

def render_md(text):
    output = """<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html lang="en">
            <meta charset="utf-8">
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    if isinstance(text, list):
        for t in text:
            html = markdown.markdown(t, extensions=[

            output += html
        html = markdown.markdown(text, extensions=[

        output += html

    output += """</body>
    return output

def generate_docs(file):
    r = open(file)
    root = r.read()
    lnodes = yaml.load(root)["tangle"]

    for key, lnode in lnodes.items():
        if lnode.get("from", None):
            r = requests.get(url + "/" + lnode["from"]["file"])
            root = r.text
            nodes_recurse = safe_load(root)["tangle"]
            lnodes[key]["text"] = nodes_recurse[key]["text"]

    md_section = []
    for key, lnode in lnodes.items():
        if lnode.get("doc", None):
        if lnode.get("text", None):
            md_section.append("```" + lnode.get("lang", "python") + "\n" + lnode["text"] + "\n" + "```")

    html = render_md(md_section)

def generate_code(file, folder):

    r = open(file).read()
    metadata = yaml.load(r)

    nodes = metadata["tangle"]

    for key, node in nodes.items():
        if node.get("from", None):
            r = open(node["from"]["file"])
            root = r.read()
            nodes_recurse = yaml.load(root)["tangle"]
            nodes[key]["text"] = nodes_recurse[key]["text"]

    for mangle_node in metadata["mangle"]:
        file_name = mangle_node["file"]
        nodes_to_dump = []
        for snippet_ref in mangle_node["snippet_refs"]:

        with open(file_name, 'w') as a_writer:
            final_code = ""
            for n in nodes_to_dump:
                final_code += n["text"]
            code = Template.from_string(final_code).render(_=nodes)
            code = Template.from_string(code).render(_=code)

        if "post" in mangle_node:

def main():
    file = sys.argv[1]
    folder = sys.argv[2]
    generate(file, folder)

if __name__ == '__main__':