Use cases

Dev Ops

Document your build scripts thoroughly. This is very useful for setting up small system or learning *nix.

Students / Data Scientists

Document all your research material easily. If you use Tex, you could probably write your Phd thesis in this approach.


Create a usable example for a latex thesis


Documenting standards and test cases can be made quite elegant with this approach.

Linux Users

Document your config files.

Bloggers / Writers


Create a usable example for jekyll

While embedding codepen is popular, things quickly go out of sync. You can avoid that.

If you are trying to write books too you could give this tool a shot. I believe the following books used similar approaches,

Designer / Startup / Game Developer

Prominent games already use a []. Sphinx is an excellent for such documentation. Linking executable code, design assets can only enrich the documentation. You can use this setup to document all major design and marketing decisions.

This document can act as the big picture on which everyone can collaborate together. It brings clarity.

Programmers / Open Source developers

Every codebase becomes unreadable after a while because much of the initial context is lost. Literate programming can completely fix this.

Literate programming might not be scalable for large teams without requiring a radical change but for open source developers and small teams I think its a huge value add. A lot of programmers have built complex reliable systems in tiny teams till the early 90s. Good documentation can make or kill your project.