Interview Notes

Typical process

  1. Resume Shortlisting

  2. Phone Interview

  3. Quiz or Take Home

  4. Architecture round

  5. HR


  1. DSA and DP

  2. Programming trivia and Design patterns

  3. System Design

Prepare good intro

How will you scale and improve perf ?

  • Monitoring

  • IO or CPU or memory bound

  • Capacity planning (Assume 1000 Reqs / sec)

  • Vitess / Cassandra

  • Nginx + Lua + Rate Limiting

  • Caching + Expiration + Eviction Policy

What are the issues with threads ?

  • Dead Lock (starvatuion)

  • Race Condition (corrupt data)

  • Atomic data or transaction using locks or CVs

How do you handle code quality ?

  • Frontend (storybook)

  • Backend

  • Configuration

  • Keys

  • Documentation

  • Tests

  • Deployment

  • Rollback

  • Internal Modules

  • Swagger / GRPC

Create an event-queueing system from the scratch? Go-RPC

How will you design a basic app like ?


What are the current pain points in the project ? What is the current team structure ? How does the team solve failure ? What is the SDLC ? How are you handling remote/ covid ? How do you guys deal with vacation planning ?

How did you get hired ? How did you grow into the currrent role ? What were the technical challenges you have faced ?

Did you face any challenges through your career so far ?

Do you have an open salary structure ? What is your bonus ? Do you have a mininum working period ? Does your team have a budget ?
How do you deal with remote ?


Base + Stocks Stocks have a vesting period