
  1. The C Programming Language

  2. The C++ Programming Language

  3. Structure and Interpretation of Programming Languages

  4. Programming Perl

  5. Mastering Algorithms in Perl

  6. Higher Order Perl

  7. Javascript the Good Parts

  8. Why’s poignant Guide to Ruby

  9. Learn Python the Hard Way

  10. An introduction to Symbolic Computation using Lisp

  11. Unix Power Tools

  12. Art of Assembly

  13. Programming Pearls

  14. The complete guide to FreeBSD

  15. Unix Network Programming

  16. Perl Cookbook

  17. Practical Common Lisp

  18. PLAI


  1. Domain Driven Design

  2. Object Roles and Responsibilities

  3. Gang of Four

  4. Patterns of Software Architecture [3 Volumes]

  5. Art of Unix Programming

  6. How to Solve it

  7. Game Programming Gems

  8. Compiler Construction

  9. Exploring Programming Language Architecture in Perl

  10. Architectures of Open Source Applications

  11. Flow Based Programming

  12. Scaling PHP Applications

  13. An Introduction to Cybernetics

  14. System Design, Modeling, and Simulation using Ptolemy II


  1. Hackers and Painters

  2. Hackers, heroes of Computer Revolution

  3. Software Craftsman

  4. Practice of Programming

  5. Cathedral and the Baazar

  6. Mythical Man Month

  7. Getting Real

  8. The Tao of Programming

  9. Rework

  10. Masters of Doom

  11. Being Geek

  12. The Perl Journal

  13. Coders At Work

  14. Codeless Code

  15. Beautiful Code


  1. Free Software

  2. Reactive Programming

  3. Software Craftsman