Virtuator is a scriptable 3D environment for adding character animation to tutorial and youtube videos.
Simply put for any 2D / 3D model,
“😉 hello[2.5]” should be converted into a wink and a text bubble that says hello over 2.5 seconds
“😉 hello{move-right}[3]” should move to the right in 3 seconds
like Xtra Normal.
More features
Load any 2D / 3D model
Support mouth movements, preferably in relation to the tonality of the text
Green screen so that video editors can merge another video
Add text boxes with arbitrary text and location
Move character via walking
Arm movements, eye movements and head movements
Add text to speech
Camera movements
Add simple background
Srt like syntax to create animation
Currently support batch mode but in future enable a live mode with motion capture.